Post job vacancies.
Generate responses

We have developed unique types of vacancies to make recruitment easier.
Learn about the benefits and the effectiveness of each type.
  • Promotion
    Promote jobs yourself or do it automatically
  • Distribution
    Vacancies are posted on partner sites to generate more responses
  • Branding
    Format vacancies in your company's corporate style

Job types

  • Standard: without updates
    Enough responses to close a vacancy on a strict budget
    — vacancy appears for 30 days;
    — branding is available;
    — upgrade to Premium is available.
    from 1 086 ₽
  • Standard Plus: auto update
    Four times more responses over the month the vacancy appears
    — vacancy appears for 30 days;
    — update every 3 days;
    — branding is available.
    from 3 564 ₽
  • Premium: a week at the top
    Five times more responses and almost all jobs on the first seven days
    — vacancy appears for 30 days;
    — at the top of the search results for 7 days;
    — highlighted in the search for 7 days;
    — branding is available.
    from 11 167 ₽
  • Anonymous: hidden selection
    Hides the name of the company to search for a replacement employee
    — vacancy appears for 30 days;
    — upgrade to Premium is available.
    from 3 960 ₽
How vacancies work How to increase the number of responses
1 день 7
«Premium vacancy: a week at the top» will bring maximum responses
in the first 7–10 days
This type of vacancy is fixed at the top of search results for 7 days, which
allows you to get maximum responses on each of these days.
An excellent solution for an urgent vacancy.
One day 10 30
Publish a «Standard» vacancy and get responses
«Standard» vacancies actively generate responses for the first 7–10 days.
Upgrade to «Premium» after 10 days
By upgrading to «Premium» on the 10th day, you get maximum responses from these two types of vacancies in a short time.
1 day 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30
«Automatic update of Standard Plus» vacancies every 3 days: auto updates provide a constant influx of responses over the month of the posting
The «Standard Plus: auto update» is best suited for unhurried selection
and will generate many responses over the month.
1 day 10 20
Post a «Premium» vacancy
and get responses
The «Premium» vacancy
generates maximum responses
in the first 7–10 days.
Update the day of publication after 10 days
By updating the day
of publication on the 10th day,
you move your vacancy to the top
of the search results.
Update it again after 10 days.
If you need to set yourself apart and get more responses, update the date again.
1 day 10 20 30
«Standard vacancy: without updates», it will generate responses for the first few days;
suitable for a company with a limited budget for hiring
If you have time and your company has a limited budget, «Standard vacancy: without updates» — is a good choice. This type will also be effective in the regions and for rare occupations, such as:«Concertmaster».
1 day
Post a vacancy: «Anonymous»
with «Premium» status
The «Premium» vacancy generates maximum responses in the first 7–10 days.
Get responses and close vacancies
with HeadHunter
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Please specify the name of your company
Please specify the name of your company